Library Guides



 Journals / Magazines
 Journals / Magazines

The Cambridge University Press publishes peer-reviewed academic journals across a wide spread of subject areas.

Top 10 Journals in SpringerSpringerLink contains premier electronic date for full-text Springer Journals and full-text journals formerly published by Kluwer Academic Publishing.

Project MUSE is a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers, providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to a comprehensive selection

of prestigious journals.

JSTOR is a not–for–profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students to discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over one thousand academic journals and other scholarly content.

Science Direct is the world’s largest electronic collection of business, management, accounting, finance, and economics full-text and bibliographic info.

Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan (JCSP) is a bimonthly Journal which publishes results of original, unpublished research work and review articles in all fields of Chemistry.